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Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011


It's just a day
But it's so unusual
I never felt like this before
I never realize
That the sun shines so brightly
The rain falls so romantically
Then the rainbow comes beautifully

I don't pretend
it's because of you
You're all I need
You're all I want
You're here with me
And I smile

Bogor, April 2011

3 komentar:

  1. something special happen with you? maaf sok english sap, soalnya aku menyesuaikan. salam kenal sapi :) warm regards, chacan

  2. ngga juga ko, can. ini puisi pas b.inggris itu lhooo :D hehe

  3. oh haha kamu yah sap. kapan2 kunjungin blogku ya hehe di tunggu kritik/sarannya, makaaaasih sapilay :)
